What is Paediatric Physiotherapy?

To make appointments or for further information about our services, please visit Little Movers Physiotherapy

Paediatric Physiotherapists work with children with a wide range of conditions affecting their movement. They are skilled in assessing and identifying developmental delays and possible underlying conditions and providing advice and interventions to maximise gross motor development and participation.

Our Baby Clinic for 0 – 18 month olds, supports children with:

Movement-related concerns:

  • You are concerned that your baby’s gross motor skills are delayed
  • Your baby is not tolerating tummy time • Your baby feels stiff or floppy to handle
  • Your baby is moving one side more than the other, or you have other concerns about the way your baby is moving
  • Your baby has a preference to turn their head to one side, and/or a flat spot on their head

Prematurity & disability:

• Premature babies • Cerebral Palsy, or identified as being ‘at risk’ of Cerebral Palsy • Genetic conditions (e.g., Down Syndrome) • Neuromuscular conditions • Complex disability • Equipment prescription

We support children to participate in everyday activities by working on:

  • Head control
  • Tummy time (an important foundation for more advanced gross motor skills)
  • Rolling
  • Sitting
  • Transitioning (e.g., moving from sitting to a crawling position)
  • Crawling
  • Standing
  • Walking
  • Equipment prescription (making recommendations about equipment to improve gross motor skills and maximise your child’s ability to participate)

We value the importance of building a strong team around the child, so we liaise closely with the other healthcare practitioners involved in your child’s care to facilitate an integrated team approach.


Our Paediatric Physiotherapists

To make appointments or for further information about our services, please visit Little Movers Physiotherapy