Dr Margie

How might anxiety affect your child, and how can you manage it?

It’s normal for kids to worry from time to time so this month I want to talk to you about anxiety, how it might affect your child and share some tips on how to manage it. If you find it helpful, share with your friends and family, and thanks for watching!

Watch this video on RCH website »

By |November 23rd, 2016|

Crying babies: Tips to settle your baby if they won’t stop crying

As a mum of four and a paediatrician, I understand the total exhaustion and worry that comes with trying to soothe a crying a baby. It is one of the most common reasons parents come to the Emergency Department or to see me in clinic. It is especially challenging for first-time parents, but is also […]

By |September 29th, 2016|

Should I take my child to the Emergency Department, or to see a GP?

I know everyone is time poor so for this month’s blog I’ve recorded a short video about when you should consider taking your child to the Emergency Department, or to see a GP. If you find it helpful, share with your friends and family, and thanks for watching!

Click here to watch the video »

By |September 29th, 2016|

Tips to help parents deal with and prevent bullying

As parents, one of the hardest and most distressing things we are faced with is bullying. It touches all of us at some point. We know from the Australian Child Health Poll that Australians think that bullying is one of the big problems facing children and young people today, so what is the best way […]

By |June 22nd, 2016|

Should I give my kids the flu vaccine this year?

Winter is coming and many parents are starting to ask themselves whether they should give their child the annual flu vaccine. Each year parents ask me whether it is worth giving to their kids as many don’t think of flu as a serious illness or they simply struggle to find the time to take their […]

By |March 31st, 2016|

Do we need a sugar tax to help protect our kids’ teeth?

One of the few things that has shocked me most in recent years is the growing number of kids I see in my practice with tooth decay. Children as young as 18 months are having surgery to remove decayed and rotting teeth as a result of drinking sugary soft drinks or fruit juice from baby […]

By |February 25th, 2016|

Starting school – how to beat those first-day-of-school nerves!

The holidays are coming to an end and the first day of school is looming. For most parents, this is a day that holds a mixture of excitement and anxiety. If your kids are like mine, they’ve probably been sleeping in their uniforms and packing and re-packing their school bag for a few weeks now.

The […]

By |January 28th, 2016|

Melatonin for sleep – should I use it?

Sleep problems can have a huge impact on kids as well as the whole family. Many parents consider turning to medication such as melatonin to help with the issue, but how safe is it?

Sleep is essential for all of us to be at our best. Now that the holidays are upon us and many of […]

By |December 23rd, 2015|

Five things you need to know about headaches in school aged kids

With the end of the school year and Christmas almost upon us, quite a few parents have mentioned how tired and grumpy their kids are. I know mine certainly are! A few have noticed that their kids have been getting more headaches, which is not surprising as they become overtired, eat the wrong foods at […]

By |December 11th, 2015|

How is the government trying to improve immunisation coverage rates?

Children continue to die from vaccine preventable diseases in Australia, and with many new legislative changes commencing on 1 January, I thought it would be a good time to outline exactly what the changes are, and to ask for your thoughts on some of the measures that are about to be introduced to strengthen immunisation […]

By |November 17th, 2015|