What is Paediatric Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery?
Paediatric ENT surgeons are doctors who have completed training in Otolaryngology Head and Neck surgery (ENT) and consequently undertaken further training specifically in paediatric ENT surgery.
As a paediatric ENT surgeon, they are experts in the field of surgery on children for ENT conditions. The fields of surgery includes all areas of the head and neck, excluding the brain. This commonly involves tonsils, adenoids, ear disease (infections and hearing loss), neck masses, voice concerns, allergic rhinitis, snoring, sleep apnea and breathing difficulties. There are subtle differences in the presentation of these conditions in children versus adults. Paediatric ENT surgeons are specifically trained in these differences. Paediatric ENT surgeons have a greater appreciation of complex syndromes, behavioural problems, ADHD, and medical issues in children. Although general ENT surgeons may operate on children, paediatric ENT surgeons have a greater understanding of the complex needs of children, both medically and socially.
Paediatric ENT surgeons are sensitive to the needs of children and their families. Medical treatment and surgery impacts the entire family. The family needs to be considered when determining a treatment plan. Surgery is not the only treatment. For many, close observation or medical treatments may be recommended. If surgery is recommended, paediatric anaesthetists are used and only hospitals where excellent paediatric care is provided are offered.