Paediatric Neurologist

Clinical Interests

Victoria works at The Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Medical Centre. Her interests include general neurology and neurodevelopmental conditions. She remains active in clinical and scientific research and her main research interest is white matter disorders.

Background and Experience

Victoria is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and has been a specialist paediatric neurologist since 2007. She graduated from University of Costa Rica with Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) and Doctor in Medicine in 1993 and completed specialist training as a general paediatrician (Hons) in 1998. She subsequently trained in paediatric neurology at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne and the Royal Children’s Hospital and Mater Hospital in Brisbane.

Since 2007, Victoria has worked as a paediatric neurologist at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Monash Medical Centre where she provides inpatient and outpatient neurology care and participates in supervision and teaching of paediatric and paediatric neurology trainees.

Practice Philosophy

Victoria is passionate about helping children and their families and enjoys collaborative relationships with allied health professionals including neuropsychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech pathologists.